tisdag 18 september 2012

English assignment - song lyric.

You will give a short speech about a song you like. The instructions can be found here.

The groups are:
  1. Oscar A, Michelle, Aladdin, Cassandra, Daniel Tuesday 08.10 - 08.35
  2. Besfort, Roro, Shadi, Oskar K, Felicia Tuesday 08.35 - 09.00
  3. Martin, Mohammed, André D, André H, Oliwer Tuesday 09.00 - 09.25
  4. Ida, Artem, Emine, Fanny, Mikolaj Thursday 11.30 - 12.00
  5. Niklas, Anna, Tobias, Linn, Alexander Thursday 12.00 - 12.30
To remember today:
Tell me which song you will be talking about.

Homework for thursday: email me the snippet of the lyrics that you will play during your presentation. 

On thursday you will be given the opportunity to in pairs work with your presentation and get feedback from your peers. You will do this in groups of two. You will write down what feedback you got from your friend and then how you will use this feedback in your development of your presentation. 

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