torsdag 14 mars 2013

The Stockholm Syndrome... Part Two

Words to check out before watching the next clip

pitchman - försäljare
ushering in - bereda väg för, inleda
surplus - överskott
deficit - underskott
heavily indebted - djupt skuldsatta
lend money - låna ut pengar
average - medel
randomly - slumpartade
government funded - statligt finansierade
you can "put it" that way - så skulle man kunna "säga"
anthem - nationalsång (i det här fallet kapitalismens "nationalsång")
redistributing - omfördela
wealth - rikedomar
face value - ta det för vad det är värt
intention - avsikt
statuesque - ståtlig
bearded gnomes - skäggiga tomtar
relieved - lättad
turnpike - motorväg

Watch the second clip

Answer the question individually and put the document in your English folders in Google Docs

4. Why is Cenac calling Pagrotsky a Travelosity Pitchman? This link might help you...
5. Pagrotsky says that Sweden lend America money, how does Cenac try to turn this around to sound better for America?
6. What are they making fun of in the Flurven/Gimmelböp sequence?
7. Why is talking to ABBA-Björn a disappointment to Cenac?
8. What things do they mention in their little game: "What's Great ABout my Country". Why are the comparisons so absurd? Check out what a Snuggie is here...
9. Why have they chosen to call the clips The Stockholm Syndrome? Check out what the term means here...


In groups of three - make your own lists of five things you feel is great about Sweden and living in Sweden, and five things you can think of that seem great about America.

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