Friday March 28:
Work in your groups:
- Divide the arguments/ roles between you.
- Open the shared source document in your folders and start filling it in.
- Each person prepares an outline for their debate session
- The summarizer looks for sources/information the opponents might use and enters these in the shared document
Monday March 31:
Work in your groups:
- Present your arguments to the group.
The summarizer (and the rest of the group) gives feedback by commenting on language (words, grammar and pronunciation) and by spotting strengths and weaknesses in the arguments. Feedback documents will be provided for this.
- Homework: Reflect on your sources by using comments. Start out with the sources that you have found yourself and that are connected to your part of the debate. Everyone should be given the chance to give "original comments" on the sources. After someone has done this, you can answer or add to their comments.
Friday April 4:
Do a test debate with the other group that has the same position as you do. I will provide instructions for this later on.
Monday April 7:
Final preparations
Friday April 11:
First debate will be filmed 10.40-11.30
Second debate will be filmed 11.40-12.30
Relevant Documents
Debate template - The drawing of the order in which you speak
General instructions - This document describes the different roles of the debate, as well as other, practical informaiton
Sources - note the comments
Debate - speaking template
Knowledge Demands
Here's a link to these knowledge demands with comments!
- Don't forget to discuss what kind of proof and reasoning the opposing side will put forth in support of the argument. How would you dismantle that proof? Don't come unprepared to the debate. Know your enemy! (you might even support the opposing side personally, which will give you good insight in how they think - use that knowledge)
- Classic debating wants you to use ethos, pathos and logos to convince your audience. Ethos means you have to make your audience trust you! Pathos means you have to appeal to your audience's emotions - you have to make them feel something (compassion, anger, bafflement). Logos means you have to use logic to convince them - hard facts, statistics and good reasoning can be used here!
- Look back! We tested these knowledge demands when you did your English/ Social Studies speeches. Take a look at the response you got, and see if there is anything you can use to improve!
- Speak English when you prepare. The more used you are to discussing legalization of marijuana in English, the better you will be at the vocabulary and the language at the devbate. This will also make you less nervous, and it will be easier for you to alert each other to language mistakes and fix those before the debate!
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